No Fees if we do not collect a settlement, judgment or verdict for you. When a dog bites someone, the physical and emotional injuries that result can be very serious and traumatic. The dog bite victim is entitled to compensation under Florida Law where they…
Many professionals, a doctor, lawyer, engineer, chiropractor or scientist, including other professions, are solicited by insurance companies and agents to purchase disability policies. In exchange for a payment of a monthly or annual premium, the insured receives coverage by the insurance company stating that in…
Notwithstanding the fact that custody has been granted to one of the parent, the non-custodial parent is responsible for child support. The difficult part is determining what amount is reasonable to be expected from the non-custodial parent. There are simple math formulas used to structure…
Prenuptial, also known as antenuptial, agreements are contracts entered into by and between husband and wife that dictate how assets are distributed among the parties in the event of divorce. These agreements can be prepared at flat fee rates in most cases, and are crucial…
Uncontested divorce means that both parties have agreed to the terms of the divorce. This includes the child custody, support and visitation, alimony, and distribution of the assets. In these cases, SEM Law Group will solely prepare an agreement that is filed with the Court…
Being sued, whether for failing to pay a contract, your mortgage, a credit card, or for products or services, is an extremely stressful experience particularly when you are being sued by an intimidating entity, like a financial institution. The attorneys filing the lawsuit against you…
Your home is generally your largest asset, which you have worked so hard to acquire and upkeep. There are many laws that have been created to protect your main asset, you home, but when it comes to failing to pay your mortgage, your equity line,…
Legislation was passed in 2002 amending Racing on the Highway charges from a Civil Traffic Infraction to a Criminal Traffic Infraction for any citation received after October 2002. Racing on the Highway is a misdemeanor offense carrying strict sentencing guidelines, including an automatic license suspension.…
When you are issued a citation for DUI, the citation is your license for a period of ten (10) days. The DMV then automatically suspends your license for a period of six (6) months if your breathalyzer test indicates an alcohol level higher than .08.…
If you plead guilty and go to traffic school, your insurance company will learn of this, which may result in an increase in your rates. Any attendance of driving school is noted on your record, and will be a factor in your rate increase. Depending…