Estate Planning In Boca Raton

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What will happen to your property when you are disabled or die?

These are very difficult questions that most people avoid but SHAMY, EL FADEL & MAHONE we have the experience and professionalism to make tough questions easy. We can help you determine where you property will go and who will get your assets according to your wishes. SEM Law Group Law can help you make critical decisions regarding your children, spouse and/or significant other. Tax planning and avoiding probate is critical. We can help you ensure that your assets move through the probate process fluidly and seamlessly pass on to your designated heirs. We also help you take into consideration sensitive topics such as health care during your lifespan and what happens to your body after termination.  Estate planning is a valuable tool during life, for businesses and in death. We can help you make tough choices and formulate a solid plan that will protect your assets and loved ones for generations.

In Boca Raton, we are your estate planning specialists. With offices located near Yamato Road, we have been proudly representing residents of Delray Beach, Deerfield Beach and the rest of Florida.

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Planning Your Estate

Our firm provides the following Estate Planning services, call us for your free consultation:

  • Drafting and Updating Last Wills & Testaments
  • Living Wills
  • Health Care Surrogates
  • Durable Power of Attorney
  • Limited Family Trusts
  • Credit Shelter Trusts
  • Probate Preparation and Filing
  • Probate Litigation/Will Contestation




Probate Preparation

  • Opening Probate
  • Homestead Exemptions
  • Credit Shelter Trust incorporation
  • Letters of Administration
  • Personal Representative
  • Publication
  • Negotiate Liens against Estate
  • Estate Defense
  • Probate Litigation
  • Closing Probate



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  1. Make a will
  2. Implement a trust
  3. Establish a health care directive
  4. Implement a power of attorney
  5. Select a guardian
  6. Select beneficiaries
  7. Life insurance tools
  8. Estate tax strategy
  9. Provide paid funeral expenses
  10. Make final wishes
  11. Business succession plan
  12. Properly store your documents


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Why is a will important for my estate plan?

A last will and testament is written when your alive. After you die, the will is executed. In the will, an executor of your estate is named and that person is responsible for administrating and distributing the estate in the best interest of your wishes declared in your last will and testament. The executor of your will is supervised by the probate court to ensure compliance of the will instrument. A properly structured will is the core building block of your estate plan.

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What is the best way to leave money for my children in my estate plan?

This is a very important question that can be revised while your alive.  Most parents get very concerned that leaving an inheritance will spoil their child or children. The key is to leave enough so they can be comfortable but not enough for them to do nothing. Concerns of bad financial decisions, drugs and manipulating spouses are parents top concerns when it comes to leaving an inheritance. By implementing trusts, parents can still “govern from the grave” by utilizing trusts as an estate planning tool. By establishing a trust and appointing a trustee you can control how much money your children will inherit. You can also establish various trusts to control the cash flow (lump sum or periodic payments) or establish Incentive Trusts to reward positive behavior of life milestone events, such as getting married. Many types of trusts exist which will give your confidence that you have made the right choices for your lineage.

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What is Elder Law and how does it work with my estate plan?

Elder law is relatively new term and covers many facets of estate planning. With an aging population, people are living longer and need to consider higher living costs over a longer period of time. Long term healthcare considerations and long term care insurance are becoming more important than ever. Medicaid, Medicare and retirement planning are key components to elder law. Senior living considerations, social security, VA benefits and special needs considerations are required to formulate a proper estate plan for your retirement. Estate planning is no longer a strategy to prepare for death; it is a strategy to protect your assists while your alive and preserve your assets into retirement.

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What is Elder Law and how does it work with my estate plan?

Elder law is relatively new term and covers many facets of estate planning. With an aging population, people are living longer and need to consider higher living costs over a longer period of time. Long term healthcare considerations and long term care insurance are becoming more important than ever. Medicaid, Medicare and retirement planning are key components to elder law. Senior living considerations, social security, VA benefits and special needs considerations are required to formulate a proper estate plan for your retirement. Estate planning is no longer a strategy to prepare for death; it is a strategy to protect your assists while your alive and preserve your assets into retirement.

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I am a business owner. What does that have to do with my personal estate plan?

If you own your own business it is very likely that the majority of your income is derived from your business. After you die, your family’s income will likely be tied up unless you plan properly. Your business must be passed on to a family member or sold for a marketable price. During this process, several obstacles might pop up such as a former business partner or legal claim. As the owner of a business you should investigate all your options and choose an estate planning strategy that meets your estate goals and business plan. Transferring your business can be a complex transaction and it is important not to expose your family to any unforeseen obstacles. Minimizing risk is a primary objective of business and estate planning.

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