Motorcycle Accidents In Boca Raton

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Motorcycle Accidents Need An Experienced Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Who Rides

SHAMY, EL FADEL & MAHONE are experienced trial lawyers and have the knowledge and understanding to win your compensation cases that involve two wheel vehicles. Over the years, we have all been effected by loved ones who have been injured or killed while riding a motorcycle. We know that the best riders, who are often wearing full protective gear are a target for negligent drivers.

We have been representing bikers and riders for years in Boca Raton.

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Florida Motorcycle Accidents Are Abnormally High

Florida continues to lead the nation in motorcycle related deaths. The number of people killed in motorcycle accidents continue to rise in Florida and across the nation. Motorcycle fatalities have increased in conjunction with an an increase in motorcycle sales. In Florida, motorcycles are an enjoyable and cheap alternative to motor vehicles. Florida, like California, is a warm weather state and most motorcycle owners use their bikes for year round transportation which further increases the risk of having a motorcycle accident.

Florida law does not require motorcycle riders to wear helmets. For every mile traveled on a motorcycle, you have a 30X higher risk of getting killed on a motorcycle than riding in a car. Wearing a helmet reduces your chance of getting killed on a motorcycle by 40%.

Some reasons why Florida leads the nation in motorcycle accidents:

  • More motorcycles are on the road in Florida because of the warm weather and changes to the economy.
  • Larger displacement bikes are on the road. Floridians like big engines which make the motorcycles less maneuverable.
  • New motorcycle riders are buying big bore bikes and lack experience in an emergency.
  • More older motorcycle riders are on the road. Bikers over 40 years old have the highest fatality rates.
  • Due to the hot climate, most Floridian motorcycle riders neglect proper motorcycle protection. Roughly 2/3rds of Florida motorcycle riders were not wearing a helmet.
  • Often, Florida motorists are distracted by smart phones which poses a severe danger to motorcyclists.


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Florida Motorcycle Injuries and Death Need Representation

When a motorcycle is involved in an accident, the motorcyclist usually suffers the most. Motorcycles do not have a protective crash cage or airbags, like motor vehicles, and the rider is often ejected when coming into contact with a fixed object or other motor vehicle.  In Florida, where wearing a helmet is elective, brain injury is very common. Some other common motorcycle injuries are:

  • Eye Injury
  • Motorcycle Road Rash
  • Disfigurement
  • Nerve Damage
  • Third Degree Burns
  • Spinal Injury
  • Paralysis
  • Amputation


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Compensation For Florida Motorcycle Accidents

SHAMY, EL FADEL & MAHONE are exceptional motorcycle accident lawyers who are able to seek compensation for your financial burdens caused in a motorcycle accident. Personal injury is a serious matter and you should seek compensation for the negligence of others. If you or a loved one is involved in a motorcycle accident you need representation from a motorcycle accident attorney immediately.

It is important to seek compensation for:

  • Expensive Medical Bills
  • Loss of Income
  • Disability
  • Future Care
  • Physical and mental pain and suffering
  • Disfigurement or deformity

You never know if you have a case, until you call. 561-939-8042 to schedule a free case evaluation.

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