Family Lawyer Near Delray Beach

If you are newly engaged, you are excitedly planning your wedding and dreaming about spending the rest of your life with your fiancé. While you have likely thought of the need to get your marriage license and other related paperwork, have you thought about putting a prenuptial agreement into place? Even if you cannot imagine a need for a prenup, there are several reasons you should consider having one done. 

Let’s look at all the reasons you may need a prenup, even if you don’t necessarily want one.


  • You Own a Business


If you own a business, you have likely worked very hard to build it into what it is now and to protect it. Having a prenuptial agreement in place concerning your business, or any assets you may receive from selling the business, ensures that your business is protected should things end up taking a turn down the road.


  • You Have Kids


If you are creating a blended family with children from previous relationships, you most likely want a prenup. This helps ensure that precious family heirlooms stay with you and your children in the event of a divorce. It also protects any pre-marital assets you may want protected, such as college funds you or your partner have set up for children before the marriage. This is also a good time to clearly include who you intend to get death benefits in the future.


  • You Have Assets You Want Separated


If you are coming into the marriage with assets, such as a boat, money, or house, you want to protect them in the event of a future divorce. Your prenup allows you to make it clear you retain specified assets in the event of a divorce, making the division of assets much easier and ensuring you still maintain ownership of items you with which you went into the marriage.

Considering a prenuptial agreement? Trust our experienced family attorneys

Our family lawyers in Boca Raton are ready to help you file your prenuptial agreement. Call us at (561) 939-8042 to schedule a complimentary consultation today!